“At last - a place where we know we will be understood!”
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NOTE: As of September 2022 our meetings have changed from Tuesday to Monday nights!
When: 1st & 3rd Mondays On ZOOM
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 PM (We have the ability to go to 9 PM)
Click the Webpage link under CONTACT INFORMATION which will take you to MIghty Networks. Once there, ask to join telling us why you'll fit in. (Are you an adult diagnosed with ADHD or have similar challenges?) Once you are approved, click on the Topics link in the left panel, then on Meeting Anouncements to get the most recent information. There is a lot of other information in other sections, so feel free to poke around.
When: 2nd, 4th and 5th Mondays IN-PERSON
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Where: Linden Oaks Outpatient Center
Address: 1335 Mill St., Naperville, IL 60563
Linden Oaks Outpatient Center is on Mill Street, south of Diehl, north of Ogden (Rt. 34) and accross from Mill Street Elementary School. (Map link below.) You can exit I-88 at Naperville Rd. or Winfield Rd.
Welcome to Your "Tribe"
At our meetings we do a "Check-In" where attendees discuss the recent challenges we have been facing, AND our successes. This is usually done with all participants, but if someone needs additional time than the large group can accommodate, we can do a "Breakout Group".
We are always evolving as new people join us. We hope to meet your needs, so don't be shy in telling us what your seeking from the group.
We hope you can join us. It's can actually be quite a blast when a bunch of us get together.
We also meet at a local restaurant afterwards. Come on over!!
4221 Forbes Blvd, Suite 270
Lanham, MD 20706
Tel: 301-306-7070
Fax: 301-306-7090
Main Page: https://chadd.org/
The West Suburban Adult Support Group is open to the public! (childcare is not available.)
CHADD does not endorse or represent products, services, publication, medications or treatments. Meetings are FREE and open to the public, although membership with CHADD is strongly encouraged, since your local group will receive a portion of your dues to continue supporting your community.
The phone number below is through Google Voice. If you don't reach me, please send a text to that number (preferred) or leave me a voice mail and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Contact Information
Phone: 331-223-4293
Email: ADDultDuPage@gmail.com

Photo Gallery

Local Volunteer Opportunities
For more information, please e-mail ADDultDuPage@gmail.com
CHADD AFFILIATE: West Suburban Adult Satellite of CHADD
Contact: George O.; Email: ADDultDuPage@gmail.com; Phone: 331-223-4293
CHADD Local Groups Need Your Support
CHADD has local groups throughout the United States. Each group offers programming or information specific to their geographic area. Local CHADD groups offer assistance for parents, children, young adults, adults and other stakeholders (psychologists, teachers, doctors, etc.). CHADD groups also provide advocacy, support, networking and information to those affected by ADHD in their communities.
Ways you can support these efforts are as follows:
Donate to this effort
Contact your local CHADD group to advocate for support groups
Contact your school district to host and support newly forming or current groups
Contact your local community foundation or other foundations in your area to support this effort
For questions on these, or any options to support CHADD please visit our web site at https://CHADD..org or contact the CHADD National office at (301) 306-7070.