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conferenceCHADD International Conference 

November 7-10, 2007 Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Crystal City, VA

CELEBRATE THE  EXTRAORDINARY –  Hear new perspectives. Learn new ideas. Share inspiration.

CHADD invites you to participate with more than 1,400 people, including parents, adults with the disorder, doctors, educators, researcher and many others, at the 2007 CHADD International Conference. This innovative learning environment will allow you to truly experience the extraordinary.

In honor of CHADD’s  20th anniversary, past Hall of Fame recipients will present diverse education sessions.You will learn from the “best of the best,” you will make new friends and associates, and you will have exciting opportunities to make a difference for people with AD/HD.

The 2007 CHADD International Conference is a celebration of CHADD's 20th Anniversary.  The CHADD Hall of Fame Conference and 20th Anniversary Gala will feature recipients of CHADD's most prestigious award. This will be CHADD's best conference ever!

View the program!:  Speakers, topics, and more.

CHADD AFFILIATE: New York City Chapter of CHADD

Contact: HAL;  Email:


CHADD AFFILIATE: New York City Chapter of CHADD

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