Meetings & Events
Crafting Balance: A Strengths-Based Approach to Managing the Regulatory, Practical, and Emotional Experience of ADHD
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November 16, 2023 | 7:00 p.m. ET
ADHD has long been viewed as a deficit, something that needs fixing to alleviate the suffering that so often comes with it. But ADHD brains, like all brains, have inherent strengths and weaknesses. While those weaknesses often create vulnerabilities and struggle, the impact of living in a world not crafted to support and celebrate it creates the true suffering of ADHD. This interactive and engaging presentation will examine how our culture utilizes a neurotypical norm from which all brains are judged. It will explore the impact of this norm and how this contributes to shame and suffering. Through metaphor, clinical stories, and compelling visuals, attendees will be challenged to release their implicit neurotypical biases while also detailing concrete and actionable strategies for utilizing the inherent strengths of ADHD brains to help support their vulnerabilities.
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Contact: Angela Green (Program Coordinator); Email: