Meetings & Events
ADHD Instructional Course - Parent to Parent
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7 weeks each Fall, Winter and Spring
A Teacher and Parent course that helps teach information and supports to help people with ADHD. Please email us for more information on dates and cost.
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*Parent to Parent: Family/Teacher Training on AD/HD*
Our course is two hour weekly sessions for seven weeks.
During each session we are teaching about what ADHD is and the many different methods of support available.
Fall Series: Tuesdays
Winter Series: Thursdays
Spring Series: Wednesdays
Class topics will be:
- Overview of AD/HD
- Assessment to Multimodal Treatment
- Strengthening Family Relationships - Behavior Management, Part I
- Developing Parenting Strategies and Positive Behavior Interventions – Behavior Management, Part II
- Educational Rights for your Child with AD/HD
- Building an Education Team: Bridging the Gap Between Home and School
- Resiliency, Teen Challenges and Future Success
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. First session of each series begins early at 5:45!
Location: Zoom Link
Series cost: $80.00 per family or educator / $70.00 for CHADD members
Access is limited. Please register early.
For more information on registration please click on a link below
Attention Parent-to-Parent Alumni
Have you already attended prior Parent-to-Parent classes and would like a refresher on any topic? You are welcome to attend any of the current or future sessions of Parent-to-Parent classes at anytime free of charge. Just email us with the session you participated in and we will give you the login information.