Meetings & Events
Monthly Meeting: Town Hall for ADHD Awareness Month
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October 17, 2024 | 7:00 p.m.
Join the planning and organizing committee of Philadelphia CHADD to share your ideas and suggestions for how we can better meet the needs of our ADHD community.
Speaker(s): The People: Members and Friends of Philly CHADD
Zoom and CHOP Karabots Center
CHOP's Karabots Center is located in West Philadelphia at 4865 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19139. There is free parking in the lot and we will be in Conference Rooms A/B.
Town Hall Meeting IG Post.jpg

Bring your questions, ideas, and suggestions. What kind of support group would benefit you most? What are we doing well and where can we make improvements? How can we empower the people with ADHD who live in Philadelphia?
Getting to CHOP's Karabot's Center at 48th and Market
Free parking is available in the parking lot; entrance is on 48th Street. Take a ticket upon entry if the entrance gate is lowered. Put it somewhere safe. You'll need it to exit.
Use the entrance on the second floor, closest to the parking lot if you park there.
We will be in Conference Rooms A and B beginning at 6:45 p.m.
There will be LIGHT refreshments.
Join Us on Zoom
We are thrilled to continue welcoming adults, parents, and caregivers on Zoom. We will not be recording this meeting out of respect for everyone's privacy and will not permit personal recording or AI Bots, etc. People on Zoom may have to confirm they are real people at some point.
One of our volunteers will host the online participants. The Zoom room will open at 6:55 p.m. We will do our best to make sure people online can hear the people in person and vice versa, but please give grace as we tackle the AV System and technology.
Join Zoom Meeting
Contact: Angela Green (Program Coordinator); Email: