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Information About Chapter

Contact Information


Contact: Rhonda Eby



C/O Omaha Metro CHADD
2501 No 65th Ave
Omaha, NE 68104


Contact Information

Chapter Logo

Photo Gallery

Local Volunteer Opportunities

Our Omaha Metro Area CHADD group has been in continuous existence since 2012. We are growing slowly and individuals from Lincoln have been served as well.  Our strength as a NonProfit in Omaha depends on volunteers. Our local Working Membership board is small and we cannot do it all. We are open to new volunteers being a part of our group through membership board and committee efforts. 

CHADD volunteers help to promote our organization and its support groups to family, friends and to the specialists who serve the ADHD community. e are constantly in need of volunteers and there are numerous way to volunteer such as....

Consider donating one to two hours a few times a year in the following ways:

  • Are you a professional interested in speaking at one of our support group meetings? Our members desire to learn from professionals who have a passion for improving the lives of families affected by ADHD. You would be providing a wonderful service to our community of families joined together by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 
  • Distribution of CHADD information at community health fairs, school resource fairs, open houses and back to school nights.
  • Join us by assisting to organize or participate in a fun summer outreach project.
  • Become a member of CHADD CHADD Membership
  • Donate on line via PayPal at PayPal Donation Omaha 


Omaha chapter's goal each year is to continue to make an impact through these community outreach opportunities and we need YOUR help as parents, adults, teachers, and partnering support leaders. 


Let's GET the WORD OUT!!!!


Check out the EVENTS page for information related to upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and recurring group meetings.


Our mission is to provide support and education to the ADHD community that incorporates parents and caregivers of children as well as adults in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area diagnosed with ADHD. This support is done in such a way that encourages a collaborative effort to bring awareness with the help of healthcare professionals. 


Our Professional Advisory and Local Membership board have finalized the goals for the new local Chapter. One of the main goals is to increase memberships to CHADD. Click the link to our CHADD National office and sign up to become a member. Make sure you designate our local chapter when you join. A portion of your membership is sent back to each local chapter as an additional way to support us. A strong membership base provides a strong foundation within any nonprofit. Community outreach through appearances at health fairs and school events are currently being utilized. 


Marketing & Outreach


Marketing efforts continue to happen through the design of a 4 x 6 postcard. Since 2012 we have participated in community and school health fairs, employee lunch & learn events, and participated in fun family friendly outreach events. 


Time-sensitive information regarding events and meetings can be found on our Facebook page or via email if you are on our email list. CHADD meetings have only been canceled due to weather-related issues and we follow the OPS closing calendar. If you are not on Facebook and would like to receive updates via email please visit to become part of our growing list of people in the ADHD community.


Our contact information:  We do have an email address monitored by volunteers that are checked weekly. If you do not hear from us after 10 days, please contact CHADD National.


NRC - National 800 Helpline

Do you need information and resource help? As a volunteer, I try to respond as quickly as possible to all requests about our local CHADD group. 

However, if you have a more pressing need for information or assistance about the many aspects of dealing with ADHD (including diagnosis, treatment options, educational rights, etc.), please contact CHADD’s National Resource Center on ADHD (NRC), online at or by phone at 800-233-4050 ( Monday-Friday, 1pm-5pm Eastern time).  

The NRC is staffed by trained Health Information Specialists who can answer many of your questions about ADHD and provide other helpful information and resources.  (NOTE: although the NRC does not provide legal, medical or other professional advice, Specialists can offer ideas and suggestions to help you find what you are looking for). 


Disclaimer:  CHADD does not endorse or represent products, services, publication, medications or treatments.




Contact: Rhonda Eby;  Email:


CHADD Local Groups Need Your Support


CHADD has local groups throughout the United States. Each group offers programming or information specific to their geographic area. Local CHADD groups offer assistance for parents, children, young adults, adults and other stakeholders (psychologists, teachers, doctors, etc.). CHADD groups also provide advocacy, support, networking and information to those affected by ADHD in their communities.


Ways you can support these efforts are as follows:


  • Donate to this effort

  • Contact your local CHADD group to advocate for support groups

  •  Contact your school district to host and support newly forming or current groups

  • Contact your local community foundation or other foundations in your area to support this effort


For questions on these, or any options to support CHADD please visit our web site at or contact the CHADD National office at (301) 306-7070.




CHADD National

4221 Forbes Blvd, Suite 270
Lanham, MD 20706

Tel: 301-306-7070
Fax: 301-306-7090


Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
CHADD does not endorse products, services, publications, medications, or treatments, including those advertised in any CHADD publications, webinars or podcasts.

© 2024 CHADD |

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