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Welcome to the Davis ADHD Group for Women

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The goal of this group is to help women with diagnosed or suspected ADHD to support one another. Many women either don't know they have ADHD, have been misdiagnosed or have been diagnosed later in life.  Hopefully, this group will provide some insights, support, and comraderie. Plese check out the links page for more information about ADHD and women with ADHD.  Also, check out the more link for frequently asked questions. 

After group agreements are reviewed, we have a 40-60 minute ADHD interactive, educational component.  The remaining time will be for general discussion, sharing resources, and planning for the next meeting.

We meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the Small Conference Room at the Mary L. Stephans Davis Branch Library on 315 E. 14th Street, Davis, 95616. No food or drinks are allowed in the small conference room.

As an affiliate group of Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), this ADHD support group does not endorse products, services, publications, medications or treatments. Additionally, eventhough, we meet at the Mary L. Stephens Davis Public Library, this support "group is not sponsored by Yolo County Library and the presence of this group in the meeting room does not constitute Yolo County Library's endorsement of the policies or beliefs of this group".


We ask that all attendees abide by these agreements at the meeting:

1. Anonymity (CHADD)

2. Confidentiality (I know someone who...)

3. No Judgements of self and others

4. This is a safe space

5. Compassion with self and others

6. One person talk at a time

7. No politics please

8. Please consider wearing a mask to protect our vulnerable attendees

                                                                                                                                             Updated: 08/08/2024

Contact Information


Contact: Eleanor Pracht-Smith



Davis, CA

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Local Volunteer Opportunities

CHADD AFFILIATE: Davis ADHD Group for Women

Contact: Eleanor Pracht-Smith;  Email:


CHADD Local Groups Need Your Support


CHADD has local groups throughout the United States. Each group offers programming or information specific to their geographic area. Local CHADD groups offer assistance for parents, children, young adults, adults and other stakeholders (psychologists, teachers, doctors, etc.). CHADD groups also provide advocacy, support, networking and information to those affected by ADHD in their communities.


Ways you can support these efforts are as follows:


  • Donate to this effort

  • Contact your local CHADD group to advocate for support groups

  •  Contact your school district to host and support newly forming or current groups

  • Contact your local community foundation or other foundations in your area to support this effort


For questions on these, or any options to support CHADD please visit our web site at or contact the CHADD National office at (301) 306-7070.


CHADD AFFILIATE: Davis ADHD Group for Women


CHADD National

4221 Forbes Blvd, Suite 270
Lanham, MD 20706

Tel: 301-306-7070
Fax: 301-306-7090


Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
CHADD does not endorse products, services, publications, medications, or treatments, including those advertised in any CHADD publications, webinars or podcasts.

© 2025 CHADD |

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